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unloadIcon(RadioIcon) - Method in class io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.providers.canvas.RadioCanvas
Unload a given RadioIcon and remove it completely
unregisterMap(int) - Method in interface io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.api.PacketHandler
unregisterPlayer(UUID) - Method in interface io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.api.PacketHandler
update() - Method in class io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.api.MapDisplay
Update either the MapDisplayProvider's current frame or the buffer
update(RadioObserver...) - Method in class io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.api.MapDisplay
Update for the specified observers only; they do NOT have to be observing
update(Frame) - Method in class io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.api.MapDisplay
Update the display with a given frame
update(RadioIcon) - Method in class io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.providers.canvas.RadioCanvas
Update and send a radio icon, calls RadioCanvas.update(RadioIcon, boolean)
update(RadioIcon, boolean) - Method in class io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.providers.canvas.RadioCanvas
Update an icon and optionally update the map display; follows the same principle as RadioCanvas.updateBuffer() but more complicated
update() - Method in class io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.RBoard
update(RadioObserver...) - Method in class io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.RBoard
update(Frame) - Method in class io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.RBoard
updateBuffer() - Method in class io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.providers.canvas.RadioCanvas
Update the buffer entirely without sending an update
updateConfigFromFile(File, InputStream) - Static method in class io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.util.FileUtil
updateConfigFromFile(File, InputStream, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.util.FileUtil
updateDisplaysFor(Player) - Method in class io.github.bananapuncher714.radioboard.RadioBoard
Update all default displays for a given player
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